How to search tabs in chrome [currently open tabs and previously visited tabs]

May 12, 2021
finding tabs
How to search tabs in google chrome (Search currently open and previously visited tabs)

Sometimes you have so many tabs open that finding that one tab you need to reference is impossible. Or, you have so many tabs open that you can't even see the tab titles. Not to worry, Google Chrome now has a native tab search feature that allows you to quickly search all of your currently open tabs, and navigate them quickly.

What if you could quickly jump to a tab, without having to squint or sift through your open tabs bar? Enter Tab Search.

Tab Search in Chrome

Introduce in Chrome 87, Tab Search lets you filter through your open tabs by the title of the webpage or website URL.

The tab search in chrome is located in the top right corner of the browser. Click the tiny downwards arrow button to open the tab search window or use the keyboard shortcut Cmd+Shift+A on Mac and Ctrl+Shift+A on Windows.

How to use Google Chrome Tab Search
Google Chrome’s Tab Search feature

You will now see a vertically scrollable list of all the tabs you have open in Chrome. This includes all open Chrome browser windows and the tabs within, not just the current window.

From here you can begin typing and the list of currently open tabs will be filtered by matching tab titles and URLs.

You can use your arrow keys to navigate the list and select a tab you’d like to open; Hit ENTER or click on that tab to open it.

Use Google Chrome Tab Search to quickly filter through your currently open tabs and jump to the tab you need
Search your currently open tabs in chrome

This is extremely useful if you have too many tabs open and want to quickly find and switch to a tab.

Google Chrome Tab Search with too many tabs open
Chrome’s Tab Search is especially handy when you have too many tab open

What about past tabs and history? Can you search those?

Unfortunately, you cannot search your history or previously visited tabs in Google’s tab search — only your currently open tabs.

If you’re looking for a more powerful features (Search currently open and previously visited tabs, save tabs, open multiple tabs, close tabs) then you should try Partizion. Partizion is a chrome extension with advanced search features.

Searching previously visited tabs in chrome with Partizion
With Partizion, you can search your history as well as your current open tabs

That’s not all, Partizion is also a beautiful Tab Manager. You can save groups of tabs or windows, rename and organize them, and restore them later in one click. Partizion has all the advanced tab search features you need + its a great tab manager.

A simple, beautiful Tab Manager —  Partizion
Partizion — a simple, productivity focused tab manager

An Essential Tool for
Essentially Anything

Partizion is the most advance Tab and Session Manager extension for Chrome
Partizion the most advanced tab and session manager extension for Chrome. Manage Tabs, Save Session, and find any link or tab with search! Combat too many tabs with Partizion