Chrome Tab Groups — How to use them and Alternatives to Tab Groups

June 4, 2021
working in the browser
How to use Chrome tab groups and alternatives to Chrome tab groups

Organizing your tabs in chrome can be a nightmare. Thankfully, there are some great organizational tools like Chrome's tab groups to help. In this blog we will run through what they are, how to use them, and some alternatives to google tab groups as well!

Google slowly rolled out tab groups over roughly 2 years and now they are generally available across chrome. Many people are very excited, some hate them, and others don’t even know about them.

What are Chrome Tab Groups?

Tab groups are chrome’s answer to having too many tabs open. Tab groups do exactly what they sound like they do; You can group tabs into named/colored groups. From there, they can be collapsed and expanded.

It is important to note however, that tab groups are merely a visual feature. This means that you aren’t saving any memory by grouping or collapsing tabs and there is no way to save or restore tab groups.

Nonetheless, they are a handy tool to master in your browsing toolset.

How to use Chrome Tab Groups

Create a tab group

To create a tab group, simply right click on a tab > select “Add tab to new group”

If you already have a tab group created in that browser window, the menu option will change to “Add tab to group” where you can further select > “New group” OR from a list of currently created tab groups.

Add Tabs to tab group

Right click on a tab > select “Add tab to group” > then choose the group you want to add the tab to from the list of tab groups

Move tabs into and out of tab groups

There are two ways to move tabs into and out of groups. You can right click on any tab and manually select add or remove from tab group OR you can simply drag tabs around until they are in the desired tab groups.

Delete tab groups

Right click on the tab group name/label > select ‘Close tab group” OR “Ungroup”. The former will delete the tab group and close all the tabs that were in it, the latter will just ungroup the tabs and keep them open.

Edit tab group name and color

Again, you can just right click on the tab group name/label and from that popup menu edit the name and color.

Collapse / Expand tab groups

Simply click on a tab group’s name/label and that will toggle the expansion or collapse of the tab group. This is handy for tucking away tabs that you don’t need right at this moment.

Chrome Tab Groups Alternatives

Chrome tab groups are awesome. They are pretty and definitely help to organize tabs a bit better. However, as far as tab management goes, chrome tab groups are merely visual. You cannot save, restore, or share tab groups. They are just mean to temporarily help you organize your currently open tabs.

If you want to fully declutter your browser, organize your work, and become more productive while working in the browser, you’ll need something more powerful than chrome tab groups.

Partizion is a fully featured Tab/Bookmark manager that lets you save groups of tabs and restore them later in one click. This means that you’re not only organizing your work and decluttering your tabs — you are speeding up your browser (less tabs open) and your own ability to work (less distractions, easy to find resources, and everything is organized).

Partizion is a powerful tab manager for chrome

In Partizion, you can organize your work by what you do (Work, personal, school, sider-project, etc.) and then further organize the respective tasks, projects, todos, clients, etc. within. The result: a fun, fast, and easily reference-able dashboard to quickly hop into work and get things done!

Beyond that, you can use Partizion to organize your personal life. Create reading lists, recipe databases, clothes / furniture that you’d like, and more!

For a complete tab and bookmarking solution, try Partizion!

An Essential Tool for
Essentially Anything

Partizion is the most advance Tab and Session Manager extension for Chrome
Partizion the most advanced tab and session manager extension for Chrome. Manage Tabs, Save Session, and find any link or tab with search! Combat too many tabs with Partizion