Introducing the Partizion Session Manager

April 28, 2024
saving tabs
Introducing the Partizion Cloud Session Manager

Today, after months of planning, trial and error, user feedback, and hard work, we’re so excited to introduce you to the Partizion Session Manager — the most advanced tab session manager for the browser.

With real-time cloud syncing, local caching and backups, and a beautiful, intuitive UI, you never have to worry about losing a tab, session, or thought again.

Partizion Session Manager just works. No need to manually save tabs or organize them into folders. You don’t have to remember to hit save before shutting it down for the day, or even worry about your browser crashing — Partizion is the most reliable and secure Session Manager on the web today.

Within Partizion, you’ll find a real-time list of your most recent sessions where you can open, restore, and pickup where you left off, all in a few clicks.

Complete with session versioning, cloud syncing, and auto-old-session deleting (all configurable to your preferences) Partizion Session Manager is the all-in-one tool to end tab hoarding, anxiety, and the resource drain on your computer and mind. Thanks to our unique real-time syncing, your sessions and tabs are available anywhere, from any browser.

From now on, you don’t have to worry about losing tabs or not being able to find them. You don’t have to mix your Christmas shopping list tabs, with your summer vacation tabs, or work tabs. You can simply close them, knowing you can rely on Partizion to restore anything you need.

Why did we build a Session Manager?

We built a Session Manager because we were frustrated by losing tabs and hours of work.

In an effort to save their work, most people keep every tab open. Multiple windows with hundreds of tabs build up. It becomes unmanageable. Research has shown that people keep tabs open because they’re scared to lose them, or they won’t be able to find them again — they start hoarding tabs.

Often times your browser will crash, you’ll accidentally hit the close button, or simply forget to save bookmarks before shutting down your computer, rendering all your work lost. We all deserve better.

We do so much of our work in the browser; researching, reading, chatting, socializing, designing, coding, planning vacations, shopping and more. Hoarding tabs slows us and our computers down. Too many open tabs isn’t helpful for our work, research, or play.

Take control of your productivity and streamline your workflow with our Session Manager — the ultimate tool for organizing and optimizing your daily tasks.

An Essential Tool for
Essentially Anything

Partizion is the most advance Tab and Session Manager extension for Chrome
Partizion the most advanced tab and session manager extension for Chrome. Manage Tabs, Save Session, and find any link or tab with search! Combat too many tabs with Partizion