Google is shutting down Google Bookmarks — Exporting and alternatives

July 22, 2021
Google shutting down Bookmarks — Try Partizion instead

Google is shutting down its Bookmarks service on September 30th, 2021. Afterwards, users will not be able to access their bookmarks. Before it's shutdown, make sure to export your bookmarks and find an alternative bookmark manager.

Google launched bookmarks in 2005. Bookmarks is a free bookmarking tool offered by Google that is available online at Google Bookmarks is not to be confused with Chrome’s bookmarking functionality, as they are completely separate tools.

Your chrome bookmarks are safe. However, you might want to use a more robust chrome bookmarks alternative.

Google is not a bookmarks company. The Bookmarks service was an afterthought and has been neglected ever since its launch. Unfortunately for its users, this means that all their saved bookmarks (possibly 1000s) will either be lost or will have to be moved somewhere else.

Exporting your Google Bookmarks

You can check if you have bookmarks saved to Google Bookmarks by opening in any web browser. From there, just click “Export Bookmarks” on the left hand menu.

Exporting Google Bookmarks
Exporting Google Bookmarks

If you’re looking for a great Google Bookmarks Alternative, we’ve compiled an easy to compare list:

Google Bookmarks Alternatives

Partizion — Best bookmark manager for Privacy and Productivity

Partizion is a dedicated bookmarking tool, built with privacy and productivity in mind. This means that Partizion’s bookmark manager isn’t a sub-tool and won’t be abandoned or neglected like Google Bookmarks was.

If you do a lot of your work in chrome, Partizion is the best bookmarks tool for you. Gone are the days where you need 5 windows with 100 tabs in each — use Partizion to split up your work (Work, personal, side-projects, etc.) and save collections of tabs/sessions to go back to later.

SessionBuddy — Best bookmark tool for sessions

If you simply want to save and restore sessions, SessionBuddy is a great option for this. SessionBuddy has been around for awhile and is the most popular session manager.

TabSnooze — Best bookmark tool for snoozing tabs

TabSnooze is a great option for someone who likes to keep certain tabs open all day, that they don’t reference frequently. With TabSnooze you can easily snooze those tabs and not worry about them eating up memory.

OneTab — Best bookmark tool for collapsing all open tabs

OneTab is the oldest tab manager and hasn’t really changed much. It’s great for collapsing all your open tabs into one window to save as a group of bookmarks. If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to collapse tabs to save as bookmarks, then OneTab is a great choice.

Pocket — Best Bookmark tool for multi-media

Pocket was bought by Mozilla and is now owned and operated by them. Pocket is a great bookmarking tool for multi-media.

An Essential Tool for
Essentially Anything

Partizion is the most advance Tab and Session Manager extension for Chrome
Partizion the most advanced tab and session manager extension for Chrome. Manage Tabs, Save Session, and find any link or tab with search! Combat too many tabs with Partizion