Why you should use a Session Manager Extension

October 7, 2023
working in the browser
Why and how to use a session manager extension for chrome

Session manager extensions can help us get peace of mind and close tabs that were afraid of losing. Clean up your browser, get organized, and restore anything with a session manager extension!

Why you Should use a Session Manager Extension?

We all have too many tabs open from time to time (or, all the time), but clearing them and staying organized seems impossible. Maybe a tab suspender would help? Probably not.

The problem: Why working in the browser leads to too many tabs, distraction, and costly context switching

The only way you’ll have less tabs open, feel more in control, organized, and be more productive is by addressing the root cause: we keep tabs open because we’re afraid of losing them. It costs us too, according to an HBR Study we spend 4 hours a week context switching. That’s 5 working weeks in a year wasted on reorienting ourselves after distraction, clutter, and too many tabs.

So what can we do?

how session managers can help with too many tabs
Session managers will help you avoid having windows with too many tabs in them

How a Session Manager can help with tab hoarding (too many tabs)

Introducing Session Manager Extensions 🙌 — they’re very simple: they save your work (tabs and windows) so that you can easily find and restore them later. This means no more tab hoarding. Good Session Manager extension automatically save sessions for you and Great Session Manager Extensions back them up to the cloud so that they’re available everywhere.

  • You can close tabs that you don’t need right now
  • You can group tabs into windows/sessions that are all related, and close them in bliss, knowing you’ll be able to reference them later (part ways with your Christmas shopping list. Trust us, you don’t need that open right now)
  • You can close windows and tabs that you’re keeping open as reminders
  • You can close windows and tabs that you’re only keeping open because you’re scared you’ll lose them, forget how to find them, or won’t be able to open later

Saving a chrome session in Partizon with a keyboard shortcut (hotkey) | Partizion chrome session manager
Quickly saving a session in Partizion

Benefits of using a Session Manager Extension

1. Saves time

A session manager extension can save you a lot of time by allowing you to save and restore your browsing sessions. You don't have to remember which tabs you had open or waste time searching for them. With a session manager extension, you can save your sessions and restore them with just a click.

2. Increases productivity

Using a session manager extension can increase your productivity by allowing you to organize your browsing sessions. You can group related tabs and windows into separate sessions and switch between them easily. This can help you to stay focused on your work and prevent distractions.

3. Backups and security

A session manager extension can provide additional security for your browsing sessions. It allows you to save your sessions and restore them on demand, which means that you don't have to keep your tabs open all the time. If your browser crashes, your computer logs off or shuts down, or any other technical difficulties occur, your session manager will save your butt! Just restore tabs and sessions after your browser fails you.

Don’t be the person who loses an important session and then goes looking for a reliable session manager when its too late. Backup your sessions now!

4. Improves browsing experience

Using a session manager extension can improve your browsing experience by allowing you to save your favorite groups of websites and open them quickly. You don’t have to keep hundreds of tabs open, all for different tasks and projects, clogging up your browser and constantly distracting you. Simply create small related sessions and restore them from your session manager when you need them again. Having 10-12 tabs open is a lot easier to manager than having 50+ tabs open in one window.

Why you can’t rely on your browser to restore sessions

All browsers, including Chrome, Brave, Safari, Firefox, and Edge focus on performance and generally serving the web to their end user. They aren’t concerned with building session management into their browser. Most of history functions but as you can already tell, they aren’t built for full session restoration, search, or management. Using a session manager extension is highly encouraged.

How to choose a Session Manager

Choose a Session Manager wisely. Many session manager extensions have been abandoned by their developers, we’re taken over and discovered to have malware, or just have a history of losing sessions at random: (What to do if OneTab lost all your tabs, How to restore sessions in Session Buddy)

You’re going to want to look for the following things in a Session Manager:


Your tabs, sessions, and browsing history are important and private. You should look for a Session Manager that commits to protecting your privacy and data. Stay away from session manager extensions that are unclear about their privacy, sell Ads (if they sell Ads, it just means they’re harvesting your user data to eventually market and sell to advertisers), or are completely “free” (Be weary of “free” extensions — how will this extension make money and sustain itself? If it doesn’t make money will the extension just eventually be abandoned and you will lose all your sessions?)

  1. Extensions that have a clear business model (ideally not Ads) so that you know they’ll be maintained well into the future — all your sessions and tabs will be safe 👍
  2. Extensions that do not sell or share your data

Syncing and Storage

Look for Session Managers that have robust and reliable session syncing.

Local Session Storage vs. Cloud Syncing

Local session storage is great for privacy because you know that whatever sessions are saved, are only saved on your local device. However, there are some downsides to local sessions storage:

  • Clogs up your computers local memory and storage — your browser and device can only store so much
  • There’s only 1 version/file/database — if disaster strikes (Your browser or computer crashes, your computer restarts or installs new software, your computer breaks or stops working) your pretty much hopeless. All your tabs and sessions could be easily lost
  • You can only save and restore sessions on one device

For those reasons, we’d recommend using a Session Manager extension with cloud syncing:

  • Means your sessions are available on all your devices (not just stored locally on one device)
  • No matter what happens, you have a cloud session backup so that you’ll always be able to restore sessions

Ease of Use

It’s underrated, but ease of use is huge when it comes to a session manager. You probably want something that is simple and intuitive. Opt for session managers that make it easy to view your sessions in chronological order and restore them in one click.

We review 100s of session managers and came up with a list of the 7 best session managers for chrome.

How to keep less tabs open with a Session Manager Extension

Now that you have a session manager, you don’t need to have FOLT (Fear of losing tabs, yes we just made that acronym up). You can safely close tabs and windows that you don’t need in this very moment, because you can always restore them from your session manager later on.

How to use Partizion’s Session Manager

We designed and built Partizion to be the most robust session manager on the market bar none. After months of design and testing, we released the cloud session manager. Just 6 months later, it has synced over 500,000 sessions and counting for our happy users!

Using Partizion’s session manager extension is easy and can be done in a few simple steps. Here's how:

1. Install the extension

The first step is to install the session manager extension on chrome.

2. Open a new window and browse normally

Try opening a new window and browsing how you normally do. Opening and closing tabs, browsing the web and keeping tabs open that you still need. Once you’re done, simply close the browser window. Partizion will automatically save and sync your session to the cloud.

3. Restore your browsing session

To restore your browsing session, go to your Partizion Dashboard and then click on “Sessions”. You’ll see your most recently closed windows/sessions and their version history in the session list. Click on a session, and then click “open” to restore the session.

Using a session manager extension can help you to save time, increase productivity, and improve your browsing experience. It is a tool that is easy to use and can make a big difference in the way you browse the internet. Give it a try today and see how it can help you!

An Essential Tool for
Essentially Anything

Partizion is the most advance Tab and Session Manager extension for Chrome
Partizion the most advanced tab and session manager extension for Chrome. Manage Tabs, Save Session, and find any link or tab with search! Combat too many tabs with Partizion